Col d’ Entremont

Col d'Entremont
Date: 25th August 2022
Ride No. 40
Grade: 1/10
Location: Chambon-sur-Lac

Segment ID: 16794619
My Time: 27:10





Easy or not?

My next Massif Central offering after the Prat de Bouc was the Col d’ Entroment.

I wondered about this one as the book described it as an easy ride.

I have fallen foul of that one before.

A great road surface, and that’s all I can say about this climb.

It was a quiet and wide main road up a hill, but with no surprises, good or bad.

The summit was equally stunning as the climb briefly flattened out then sloped down. (A bit of an Officer Barbrady, “Nothing to see here”).

However, on the way down, something did indeed catch my eye.

Can that be? Surely not?

Why it’s a towering statue of “Our Lady of Good Life or of Haute” standing on a hilltop? In the bright sunlight, she was splendid, unlike the climb.

Time to move on.