Col de la Croix de la Serra

Col de al Serra
Date: 24th June 2023
Ride No. 56
Grade: 4/10
Location: Saint-Claude

Segment ID:16637694
My Time: 0:51:16





A perfect start to the day

The Col de la Croix de la Serra conveniently starts close to my Saint-Martin campsite, and so there was ample opportunity to tick this one off before moving on to my next site.

A gentle 4/10 over 12.3K with an average 7.5%, just right for Saturday morning ride.

The temperature and although some darker clouds were present, the sun was still shining.

The road was smooth, wide, and quiet with little traffic, sheer bliss.

At 1Km the road popped up an 8-9% lift, but it didn’t cause any sudden groans of efforts as my mind wandered off somewhere else (I still don’t know where it went).

Occasionally, some traffic would pass at an unusually sedate pace, with two drivers even waving (in a non-threatening manner).

At the halfway point, the climb plateaued for a short distance. This was a welcome break from the metronome cadence I had settled into and the opportunity to push some larger gears.

Unlike some climb plateaus, this one didn’t punish you with a tarmac wall but reverted to its steady gradient.

This was one of those climbs that makes you switch off and relax. It could have, ridden a further 10Km and not noticed.

The Col de la Croix de la Serra was a perfect start to the day.