Col de Latrape
Ride No. 21
Grade: 3/10
Location: Aulus-les-Bains
Segment ID:16612919
My Time: 25:53
Looking good
It was back to Aulus-les-Bains for the Col de Latrape after a successful Col d Agnes climb and a quick clothing change.
My car emptying antics entertained the locals walking back and forth from the boulangerie.
Finally, though, I found a fresh vest and much needed gloves to replace the pair that smelt like something had crawled in them and died.
I’m all sorted and I’m looking good, better than I should.
Keep it steady
The roundabout for the Col de Latrape was by the ‘putting the world to rights’ bench that was still vacant, so no bon-voyages.
Allegedly, this is an easier climb at only 5Km. However, as I have discovered, ratings can mean little other than providing an idea.
All the climbs can be difficult. It all depends how you ride them and weather.
I think I could ride this one in the large chain ring but get worn out and collapse for the rest of the day recovering.
I could keep it steady by spinning up.
Option 2 please.
They rated the climb 3/10 but still average 7% and touch 13% with hairpins, so it has some interesting points.
The tree lined climb limited the views and so it was a steady push with the blinkers on.
No helicopter noise this time, it was just the noise of people splashing in a campsite pool that breaks the scene.
I felt sorry for them suffering in the pool while I enjoyed spinning away merrily in 30º+.
Chuckle time
At the summit, a Road Closed sign had fallen over and partly blocked the driveway to a restaurant.
This collapsed sign created much confusion with the owner and his assistant on how to deal with it.
The sign was juggled this way and that, but never in the same direction at the same time.
They looked like the French Chuckle Brothers.
À moi à toi, à moi à toi. (I’d have paid good money to hear them say that).
The sign was not willing to play their game, and so, after a brief time huffing and puffing, they conceded defeat and left it.
On their retreat, they gestured with the customary arm-gesturing, and muttering required for such an occasion.
Entertained as I was, I looked around for photo opportunities.
“Oooh”, another purpose-built Brompton stand.
Hold it right there and once more, with feeling, I captured the shots.
As much as I wanted to dilly dally around, my thoughts turned to the need to make it to the boulangerie/supermarket in Aulus-les-Bains before it closed.
“Yes” and with 15-minutes to spare.
“Deux baguettes, fromage, bananas and a Mountain Cola. s’il vous plaît,” (fine dining).
Now a big decision. What next?
The climb near the campsite or the more difficult one?
Awkward one, it is.
My pretext is that riding the nearby climb will be more convenient tomorrow if the weather turns.